To anyone who has come over from my mom-in-love, Farmgirl at My Field of Dreams, thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you're here and I hope I don't talk your ear off. :D
This is actually a Random Monday post, but I just really wanted to use that title. 10 points to the first person who gets the reference.
Every time my eldest brother in law comes over, he stares at my fridge and asks what it's all about. Then he says something like "Wow, Meg! You're so organized!" My mom says the same thing too, except she giggles and calls me anal as well. So today I share with you my (current) system so mayhaps I can get second opinions that say something like "Oh my goodness, you're a genius!" Or "Hey! Good idea!" instead of "Heh... you're a little "special" darling..." Bro-in-law also says he wished his office looked like mine, so I think he thinks my organizational skills are awesome. In which case he should get a high-five.
This is my grocery list. I might have talked about this before. I can't remember and am too
Now to the fun stuff! My mom-in-love said on her blog that I post great pics of the boys, and it's been awhile since I've done so. So here you go!
Duder looking at me expectantly for pancakes and raisins. He was a hungry man this morning.
The boys lounging and watching Veggie Tales. Goofballs. They're speech is coming along so well. I asked Jack why he turned off the TV and he looked at me and said "Cause it's over." Oh! Ok then!
Our potato bush is the last big of color we have left on the property. Ben picked this yesterday, by accident, when he wanted to moved it from going through the fence posts and it ripped off. He said it was so pretty he hated to throw it away, so I ran to grab the vase. I really do love our potato bush. It has such gorgeous color. I will be very sad when the flowers are done for the year. But it will also mean it will be cold. I had to wear a jacket yesterday because it was so chilly and I LOVED it. It was great.
Knitting! Because I know that's what y'all come here for. ;)
The Sock! I knit most of this on Friday at my mom-in-loves. It was a very productive knitting day. I only had about an inch and a half of the toe done when I got there, and I worked all the way up to that stitch marker on the left side. Which means I even turned the heel while I was there. I really thought I was going to finish the sock that day. But alas, I did not. I now have the leg portion to do. I've decided that I will just do ribbing until I run out of yarn.
This is how much yarn I have left for this sock. I think I might get knee-highs. Hehe.
And the shawl... Oh my goodness the shawl. I decided I would do another repeat of a chart from clue 3, to make it a bit longer since I am using smaller needles than it called for. I have 37 rows left. Which doesn't sound so bad except for the fact that there are over 1,000 stitches in each row. I believe it takes me 15 minutes to do one single row, and that's just on plain knit rows, not the lace pattern ones. So I still have a bit longer to go. Then the lace edging. But I'm not giving up! I will finish this thing, because I want to start a new one and I'm not letting myself until I finish this one.
Also, I have to share this because it is SO cute - Stan loves this shawl. Mr. Doesn't-usually-cuddle will crawl into my lap when I'm knitting this and snuggle into it. Unfortunately, he also likes to chew on my stitch markers, so I have to boot him off. But I just thought it was adorable.
Whew! Long post! I really do think I talk too much. Must be the southern in me. If you made it to the end here, congratulations! And thanks for sticking around. ;)
I did all my laundry and cleaning on Saturday, so now I have nothing to do today. I guess I'll just have to knit... Darn. I hope y'all have a great Monday!