June 16, 2010

Garden Update

I was going to do a garden update yesterday, but didn't get around to taking pictures. Then my sister in law beat me to it! So here is mine.
This is the lily that has finally bloomed from one of the bulbs I got at the dollar store. All the bulbs we got have sprouted except for just one. We are thinking that this fall/winter we will start a hothouse and just grow all our own flowers to plant.

My onions are going crazy. They are the ones from the grocery store that were growing in the pantry, so I planted them. Now I need to cut off a bunch and dry them. The green beans I planted are starting to go crazy too. They seemed to have slowed down though, so I think I need to take them out of the little pots and just put them in the dirt. Their roots are going through the drainage holes into the soil below.

We have three jalapeno pots, and they are all about this big. I haven't seen any signs of peppers yet though. I just keep waiting.

These are our Roma tomato plants in the Topsy Turvy we got. Apparently, they didn't get the memo about growing upside down. Once they get tomatoes they should hang down and go the other way.

Which should be soon, since we've had blooms for about a week now.

This mint is the one we planted from a sprig I bought at the store for eating. We had kept it in a glass of water and it started growing roots like crazy. Now we have a very healthy and happy mint plant. Whenever we take a bit to use, we just replant the rest of the sprig and it starts growing as well. I'm starting to think it might need a bigger home though. It is a weed, so if we plant it in the ground we'll have to be careful of it taking over.

And lastly, this is Ben's latest wind chime. (Please ignore the ugly fence. We are hoping to replace it fairly soon.) A little smaller than his first one, and it went so much faster this time since he had a better idea of what he wanted to do. Apparently this corner of our porch gets a lot of wind. It has been signing almost non-stop since he put it there. I love wind chimes. I think we will be one of those couples that has wind chimes all over the place.

Our lilies and delphinium in the front are blooming as well. Summer is finally here and I'm so happy about all the color we are getting!


Farm Girl said...

It all looks so good! But the wind chime is wonderful. I can't wait to see it in person.

Kessie said...

You have quite a garden going on! How do you keep the munchkins from playing in it?

The hanging tomatoes are a fantastic idea. I gotta get me a hanging pot and try it. :-)

Meg said...

The boys have gotten swats for tearing up the garden when we first put it in, so they don't play with it anymore.

I got those plastic terra cotta colored pots at the 99 cent store, and the Topsy Turvey at Floyd's for $9.99. I've seen them just about everywhere too. It works great for keeping critters and kiddos out.

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