Well boys and girls, it's done! (Sorry for the lame pic, it's hard to take good pictures of such large items.) I finished knitting the other night then had to spend FOREVER weaving in ends. One part of using small bits of yarn that I didn't consider. Oh well. Ben says it's the ugliest thing ever, and I think it's "rustically homey and charming".
Pattern: Knit garter stitch until you want to kill yourself. Made easier by watching shows at the same time.
Yarn: Lion Brand Homespun in "Colonial", "Antique", "Nouveau", "Fawn", "Pearls", "Wreath" and "Waterfall" - various amounts of each.
Needles: US 10.5/6.5mm Brittany wood straights
YTD Mileage: This blanket itself was 1,473 yards, which brings my new YTD total mileage to 1.68 miles! It was a lot of knitting. A lot.
In other knitting related news I have 21 days to finish the GK '09 mystery shawl. She's got a new one going for 2010 that starts April 24th. Ok I doubt I'll really finish that soon. But I at least have to decide on a color to knit the new one out of.

1 comment:
I think that it is gorgeous. I love how it turned out. Very pretty.
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