April 7, 2011

Garden Creation Update

Yesterday was a yard work filled day! The trenches where the sprinklers went in are completely filled, and Ben built and filled the second and third garden boxes! We happily sat on the porch last night and watched our grass sprinklers automatically turn on for the first time.

I'll be waiting until the end of April to plant stuff to insure no frost (today is cold and cloudy), but it's so nice to see them ready to go.

The pipe on the far right sticking up is where a little 2 x 8 planter will go where I'm hoping to put the asparagus and berry bushes.

We'll be getting a lime tree to put in the side planter, my dad is getting me a cherry tree that will go in the back planter, and Ben is getting a tree from his dad to put in the middle of the yard.

Ben is going to but a double arch over the gate so I can plant morning glories to grow up over it. All we need to do now is paint the railing and plant, plant, plant!

My green bean starts are happily growing along. My dry bean plants are going like crazy. The hollyhocks have sprouted and the basil is starting to come up. I just started tomatoes and sunflowers today. I can't wait to see those beds and our planters filled with plants!

Happy Gardening,


Farm Girl said...

So glad you posted pictures. I like B. playing in the dirt. :) It will be so pretty. It already looks so very nice. Good job!

Allison said...

This is so exciting! I love planning gardens, and I really like the white fence and the way you are going to plant morning glories! I look forward to seeing more of your garden as it grows! (that is... if your little guys don't dig it all up!) :D

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

So much work all ready done. You will be reward this summer when everything hits their peak. I love your little helper at the garden gate.

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