April 10, 2011

Plants, Plants, Plants!

We had another garden/yard filled weekend. Lots of work and cleaning up. And here's what we have to show for it!

Cleaned out flower beds.

Freshly painted garden fence.

Everything is looking so nice now.

We went out to the home improvement stores yesterday looking for plants and were very disappointed. Little selection, skimpy plants, and highly over priced. So this morning I looked up nurseries in town and found that one we thought had closed was indeed still open. A quick call said they had trees in the sizes we wanted so we ventured forth on our quest for greenage.

Oh my goodness. That nursery was GORGEOUS. And wonderful. And their plants are all beautiful, and nicely priced. We got...

An artichoke plant. I'm very much looking forward to this. They are so expensive in the store and I just love artichokes.

Three bronze flax plants. Ben has been wanting them, and they make such pretty decoration.

A Mexican lime tree. It's a semi-dwarf and should get to be 5-10 feet tall.

Boysenberries! Three of them. I'm so excited for these. I thought about getting raspberries, but I think I'll like these better. I do like boysenberry jam.

And a blue berry bush! I only got one today, but I think I'll go back and get two more. I just love how it already has berries on, so I know I'll be getting a small crop this year.

And of course, my cherry tree. It is also a semi-dwarf and should get 10-15 feet tall. It's a self fruiting (self pollinating) Lapins cherry. And the coolest part?

It already has cherries!! :D We picked one with as many blossoms as we could find, so I'll be getting a small crop of cherries too!!

I'm so very, very very excited. The back yard looks so beautiful. In between all the plants we got today we transplanted some lilies and Agapanthus from the front yard so we will have a bit of color. I'll be sprinkling some herb plants in the beds too, in addition to some flower plants like the sunflowers and hollyhocks. Gosh. I can't wait.

And it's almost time to plant the garden! I'm trying to hold out a few more weeks, but my beans are going so crazy I'll need to get them in the ground soon!

Happy planting,


Farm Girl said...

I have been waiting and hoping you would post pics today. It looks so good and boy I bet you are tired. That is a bunch of work. It looks so pretty.

Kessie said...

OMG your yard is gorgeous! I didn't realize Ben had finished all of the curbing. Once your plants get established, it'll look great. What kind of tree is in the middle of the yard?

Meg said...

It's a cottonwood your dad grew for Ben. I took a picture, but my camera glitched out and screwed up the file. :( I'll have to get another one tomorrow.

Shasta said...

Which nursery did you go to? I've been going to Lowes and just trying not to look at prices!

Changes in the wind said...

All your hard work provided some great results..hope you have a bumper crop as a reward.

Sue said...

What a lot of rewarding work, everything looks beautiful. Enjoy.

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