April 25, 2011

Random Bits (with Plants)

Baby limes

- We have been having bizarre weather lately. Sunny and warm one minute, slightly cloudy and breezy the next.

Yellow Squash

- What is it about hanging clothes on a line that makes life so peaceful and easy? I'm so glad it's warm enough to do it again.


- I would really like to try growing wheat. But I don't think we have enough space to make it worth it. And just plain buying wheat berries to grind is, well, stupidly expensive.

Blurry Corn

- We know some people who are looking to buy a house which I think would be really good for them, so for those of you who are willing to do so - would you pray that the pieces fall into place for that to happen?


- I planted almost all my herb seeds last weekend. But, unlike a smart person, I forgot to mark what and where. And we need to weed the beds. But since I can't remember what or where I planted, we can't do that. So we're going to follow the highly scientific and sophisticated method of "Let everything grow until it's big enough to figure out which is which."

- Today I got my onions, cilantro, basil, carrots and the second sets of lettuce and corn planted. That leaves tomatoes and peppers (which I'll have to buy plants of), potatoes (need to buy) and the third set of corn to be planted next weekend. Plus radishes and maybe some more lettuce sprinkled in through out everything. And I think I'll pick up some marigold to deter bugs from the green beans.


- Remember the little green thing? Ran out of yarn, and not even half way through. Oh well.

Happy Tuesday (yes that's tomorrow),


From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I honestly don't know how you do it all Meg.The really nice part of it all is that you enjoy it all so much. Hope everything comes out awesome for you. Fresh herbs and vegetables,Yum!!!!

Kessie said...

Usually you can tell the weeds from the seeds because the seeds are planted in patterns, and look different from the general grass. You'll be able to at least weed some areas (like around the corn).

Farm Girl said...

It all looks good, I just have onions planted and beets. :)

Meg said...

Kess: I'm doing pretty good in the garden beds, since I know the pattern that I planted the veggies in. It's just the flower beds outside of the garden... I just kind of sprinkled stuff without thinking to write it down. Whoops. ;)

Allison said...

It's starting to pop! Oh, yay!

Dawn said...

Oh nothing makes my heart smile quite like the pop-up of new life!
LIMES?!?! WOW...I pay an arm and a leg for those...and you have them growing there. I'm coming over when they're ready;))

no spring chicken said...

I agree with you about hanging out the wash. So domestic... next time put on an apron first (if you haven't) and double your bliss.

Sorry about the green thing, I hate it when that happens!

Blessings, Debbie

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